+353 01 669 4646 info@25fitzwilliamplace.ie

Getting engaged is such an amazing and happy time for couples as it’s the next step in their journey together. Lots of couples choose to get engaged over the festive season, which is why we’ve decided to share our top five things to do after you have gotten engaged. They’re sure to help you get your plans off to a great start. 

Make an Announcement

engagement announcement, engaged

Remember that your engagement only comes around once and don’t forget to enjoy making your big announcement. We suggest that you tell your parents and siblings first, then your closest friends and extended family members. It’s such a special time for you both and waiting to tell people will help to extend the celebrations a little longer. It’s also nice to tell people in person if that is something you can wait to do. 

Get your ring sized and insured

Insuring your new ring  is important as the ring will hold so much sentimental value in the future. Try to make sure it fits you perfectly, you’ll be showing it off a lot over the next couple of weeks and getting more familiar with it on your finger. You’ll definitely want to show it at its best so even if it’s only a little bit loose send it to be resized so you get the perfect fit. We promise, you will be glad you did. 

Get your hands on a wedding planning guide

wedding planner, wedding planning guide, wedding plans, engaged

The best thing to do is to try and stay organised with your wedding plans from the very beginning. You could purchase a wedding planner or why not download our complimentary No. 25 Fitzwilliam Place wedding planning guide.? It will allow you to keep track of your planning progress and notes, and it’s packed with those all important checklists, as well as helpful tips and advice. We hope the guide will help make your wedding planning as stress-free as possible.

Date and Venue

wedding date, wedding venue, wedding plans, save the date

You may not have decided on an exact date or venue yet but these are usually the first things people will ask you about once they hear your good news. It can be helpful to give people the type of answer they are looking for, why not mention that “We would love a Christmas wedding” or “we need to save so it will be 2 years from now”. This can be a vague enough answer but it’ll give your friends and family something to focus on, help them to feel more involved, and to be part of the planning. 

Throw an intimate engagement party

engagement plans, engagement party, celebrations, engaged

Planning an engagement party is a fun way to celebrate as it will officially mark your special occasion with those closest to you both. When you send out invitations for the gathering don’t put too much pressure on yourselves to invite everyone you know. It’s a good idea to try to only ask people you plan on also inviting to your wedding. Trust us, carefully planning these engagement party invites will save you a lot of stress in the future. 

If you’re thinking about booking No. 25 for your wedding reception or ceremony you can contact our events team at info@25fitzwilliamplace.ie. We will be happy to answer all of your questions, you can also take a look around our venue here

For some more helpful tips on planning your wedding day download a copy of our complimentary wedding planning guide here.

Follow No. 25 Fitzwilliam Place on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for regular updates.

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